
react-keyboard is wrap of mousetrap.js in React, it offers keyboard shortcuts handling in React application.

Getting started


npm install react-keyboard

Usage Example

Defined keyMap

const keyMap = {
  cmdK: {
    combo: 'command+k',
    eventType: 'keyup',
  deleteNode: ['del', 'backspace'],
  left: 'left',

A KeyMap is an object which value is the key sequence. The key sequence can be:

  1. string which can be a single key left or combination of keys command+k

  2. array which is an array of multiple key commands: ['del', 'backspace']

  3. object only use an object if you need to listen to specific event type: {combo: 'command+k', eventType: 'keyup'}

Use HotKeys Component

import { HotKeys, Handlers } from 'react-keyboard'

export class MyHotKeys extends React.Component {

  showDocumentation = () => {
    console.log('show doc')
  deleteNode = () => {
  moveLeft = () => {
    console.log('move left')
  showChildDocumentation = () => {
    console.log('show child doc')

  handlersParent = {
    cmdK: this.showDocumentation,
    deleteNode: this.deleteNode,

  handlersChild = {
    cmdK: this.showChildDocumentation,
    left: this.moveLeft,

  render() {
    return <HotKeys keyMap={keyMap} handlers={this.handlersParent}>
      <span>this is my hotkeys</span>
      <HotKeys handlers={this.handlersChild}>A child</HotKeys>

Note: Child HotKeys components can inherit keyMap from their parents. You don't necessarily define keyMap for each child if parents already have the shortcuts you need.

Last updated